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Can HCG Injections Help with Pregnancy (and Miscarriage)?

Miscarriage is a common issue often associated with human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) deficiency. However, HCG injections are prescribed as a fertility treatment for this condition. This reduces the risk of miscarriages by supporting pregnancy.  

HCG injections can help with pregnancy by stimulating ovulation to increase the chance of getting pregnant. Then HCG supports the pregnancy for normal fetus growth.  

Here is a detailed guide on how HCG injections help with pregnancy when used with proper medical consultation in pregnancy. 

What is HCG?

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a glycoprotein hormone. It is also known as pregnancy hormone because it helps support pregnancy. HCG is generally used to reduce the rate of miscarriages in those with low HCG levels. 

It is naturally produced by the outer syncytiotrophoblast cells of the embryo. These cells later develop into the placenta. When there is an HCG deficiency,  a doctor prescribes HCG injections to help with pregnancy. 

HCG injections for pregnancy and miscarriage 

HCG injections are used to administer HCG as a medication into the body. A medical doctor generally prescribes HCG injections to those having low HCG levels or women who have a recent miscarriage.

Usually, HCG is prescribed in an injectable solution format. These injections are also known as “trigger shots” because they have the potential to stimulate ovulation necessary for pregnancy. 

How do HCG injections help with pregnancy and miscarriage?

To cope with miscarriage issues, HCG can help support pregnancy and prevent miscarriages. Here is how HCG injections help with pregnancy. 

1. Increasing the chance of pregnancy

In a normal fertile woman, the ovulation process occurs for pregnancy. It is a process in which an egg (ovum) is released by the ovary. Later, the egg is fertilized by the sperm leading to normal pregnancy. 

When there is irregularity or abnormality in the ovulation process, HCG injections can be used to stimulate it. In the body, HCG acts like Luteinizing hormone (LH) which controls the ovulation process. 

According to a clinical study, ovulation occurs approximately 36 hours after using HCG injections. With this, it helps increase the chances of getting pregnant. 

2. Maintaining pregnancy

HCG can help maintain pregnancy. It acts on the corpus luteum to release progesterone and estradiol to maintain pregnancy. Progesterone stops the menstrual cycle and keeps the lining of the uterus throughout the first trimester. 

HCG injections are also used to initiate angiogenesis, the process of making new blood vessels, and support the smoothing of muscle cells in the uterine walls. This helps maintain pregnancy. 

3. Preventing miscarriage

HCG injection is a potential treatment option for reducing the chance of miscarriage in women. A study shows that 15% to 20% of all pregnancies are lost due to miscarriages. HCG deficiency is one of the causes of miscarriages. 

A medical doctor prescribes HCG injections to optimize the level of progesterone necessary for preventing miscarriages. Similarly, HCG helps in implantation and placentation. These two processes are also necessary for a normal pregnancy. 

Benefits of HCG injections in pregnancy

HCG injection can be of great help to those having HCG  deficiency. Some of the benefits of HCG injections are mentioned below. 

  • Inducing ovulation: It helps with the ovulation process by acting like LH hormone.
  • Treat polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): These injections can treat PCOS. Wherein the pregnancy is disrupted due to hormonal imbalances. 
  • Maintaining progesterone levels: HCG can maintain progesterone levels in the body to maintain pregnancy. 
  • Regulating the mother’s immune system: It helps with regulating the mother’s immune system for the normal growth of the fetus.  
  • Increase angiogenesis: HCG injection when administered into the body can increase the process of making new blood vessels (angiogenesis). This supports the pregnancy. 
  • Smoothing the muscle cells in the uterine walls: It also helps in smoothing the muscle cells of the uterine walls to prevent miscarriage. 
HCG misc HRT
Can HCG Injections Help with Pregnancy (and Miscarriage)? 2

When should you take HCG injections?

HCG injections are generally prescribed as a fertility treatment for those having an HCG deficiency. They are also taken by women with recurrent miscarriages. Similarly, women having difficulty in conception because of abnormal or irregular ovulation can also take it with a doctor’s prescription.  

NOTE: It is advisable to consult a medical professional before taking HCG injections. 

How to measure HCG levels with a pregnancy test

HCG level in the body is measured with the help of a pregnancy test. The test is usually carried out after 10 days of conception. Blood is generally used for two types of tests including qualitative and quantitative tests. 

The qualitative test shows the presence of the HCG while the quantitative test determines the amount of the HCG in the body. If the HCG amount is 25 mIU/ml in the body, it shows that the test is positive. 

However, during pregnancy, blood or urine tests are carried out to determine HCG levels in the body. In case of HCG deficiency, a doctor prescribes HCG injections to help with pregnancy. 

How many HCG injections are needed during pregnancy?

The number of HCG injections depends on the individual’s health condition and HCG levels in the body. However, 500 to 1000 units are generally administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Your doctor prescribes the HCG dosage and schedule during pregnancy. 

NOTE: Please consult a medical professional for the recommended HCG dosage. 

How to use HCG injections?

HCG injections can be administered subcutaneously (under the skin) or intramuscularly. A medical doctor generally determines the administration method and timing schedule of using HCG injections.

Why is a medical prescription necessary for taking HCG injections?

A medical prescription is necessary for taking HCG injections because it ensures the safe and effective use of these injections for supporting pregnancy. 

What is the HCG injection pregnancy success rate? 

A clinical study shows that when HCG injections increase HCG level by >500 IU/L, it may increase the chance of successful pregnancy by 95%. 

How long does it take to get pregnant with HCG?

Generally, it takes 24 to 48 hours for ovulation to take place after taking HCG injections. It may take about 14 days to get pregnant with the help of HCG. However, the time of getting pregnant may differ from individual to individual and depends on health conditions. 

Who should not take HCG injections?

People with normal HCG levels should not take HCG injections. Moreover, those who have certain medical conditions like hormone-related cancer like breast, thyroid, and pituitary gland cancers. 

When should you stop taking HCG injections during pregnancy?

A medical doctor generally determines when you should stop taking HCG injections during pregnancy. However, you can stop taking HCG injections at the 16th week of the pregnancy when the placenta starts producing progesterone. 

Side effects of HCG injections

Generally, HCG injections are safe to use to support pregnancy and prevent miscarriage. However, the following side effects may be observed.

  • Headache 
  • Nausea
  • Redness at the injection site

Final thoughts

HCG injections can be used to reduce the risk of miscarriages and maintain normal pregnancy. HCG injections have the potential to stimulate ovulation and increase the chance of pregnancy and then act on the corpus luteum for the release of progesterone. This progesterone helps maintain pregnancy.

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